Your Partner Is Not A Mind Reader
Many times I have had couples come to counseling because they are having misunderstandings or unhealthy communication styles. So many times I hear “we have communication problems.” And they are right. Couples usually enter into …
Trigger Warning
What Is a Trigger Warning? We live in a society where freedom of speech is a basic human right and almost always an expectation. But what if that free speech is harmful to a person, …
Boundaries Made Better
Boundaries can be defined as needs and expectations that help us feel safe in our relationships. Creating and practicing healthy boundaries leads to feeling respected, loved, and safe. Boundaries indicate how you allow people to show …
Considering Couples Counseling?
If you are reading this, you might be wondering if you need couples counseling. I’m not here to say you do or don’t – that’s for you to decide. But having been through couples counseling …
Conflict Avoidance: Is Your Rug Touching the Ceiling?
All couples argue. Not having arguments is unrealistic, but a desire for conflict avoidance is very typical. We’re going to have bad days, be tired, irritable, stressed out, and so will our partner. Whenever there …
Valentine’s Revisited: Empower & Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day, historically, is a day where couples get all lovey-dovey and celebrate their relationship. That is the connotation we get due to all the heart shapes and couple’s menus at restaurants; however, what if …