What to Expect Before Your Dyslexia Evaluation
As part of a comprehensive assessment, you may be asked to fill out a language and behavioral inventory or checklist regarding your family history, medical and developmental history, current status and educational history. Our interpretation of this data will inform the testing methods we choose for you, and our clinical psychologist will explain which dyslexia assessments will be administered and why.
During Your Dyslexia Assessment
The duration of your dyslexia evaluation will depend on several factors, including your age and the number of areas to be assessed. A language and literacy evaluation will generally last between six and eight hours for teens and adults and between three and four hours for children. Everyone, regardless of age, will also be asked to pass certain vision and hearing screenings.
After Your Evaluation
After your dyslexia assessment is complete, Dr. Fast will provide a report that offers a diagnosis and outlines recommendations for therapy, school support, accommodations and home practice activities.
All recommendations will clearly outline the path you need to take to succeed academically and in life while getting the support you need along the way.