Young Adult Therapy In
Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area
In the age of crippling student loan debt, many emerging adults are struggling with their finances and transitioning into adult life. If you’re an emerging adult struggling with anxiety, depression, substance dependence, or stress, you’re not alone.
At Stanford Couples Counseling, our counseling services for young adults focus on goals and solutions. We have offices at multiple convenient locations and no matter which office you choose, you’ll find a team of counseling experts and therapists whose top priority is providing you with the highest quality care:
Dallas | Flower Mound | Fort Worth | McKinney | Plano | Uptown
We won’t just work for you — we’ll work with you to identify achievable, measurable goals, and help you come up with the steps you’ll need to take to achieve those goals. We want you to be able to create long-term goals that will help you shape a brighter future for your life.