From Distress to Discovery
How often do you let yourself really imagine your dream life? Outside of sandy beaches and a tropical smoothie with a little umbrella, do you really allow yourself to imagine in detail what your life …
Depression is a Liar
Depression is a liar, and it can be convincing. Many of us personally know depression. Maybe you’ve even received a diagnosis, making sense of the desperation that has claimed your mind and body. The problem …
Valentine’s Revisited: Empower & Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day, historically, is a day where couples get all lovey-dovey and celebrate their relationship. That is the connotation we get due to all the heart shapes and couple’s menus at restaurants; however, what if …
Mindfulness? What’s the Big Deal?
“Mindfulness.” It’s a fuzzy buzzword we’re hearing a lot these days, easy to mentally categorize along with “yoga,” “meditation,” and “vegan.” But wait. If you strip away the trendiness, mindfulness at its core is a …
Self-care During the Holidays: The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself
It is no surprise that the holidays tend to be a stressful time for everyone. Although enjoyable, extensive time with family and friends, frequent events, and the inevitable financial strain that can occur during the …
Recognizing Our Attachment Style Can Help Us in Our Relationships
The attachment theory was first developed in the 1950s by psychologist John Bowlby to explain how people develop emotional attachments as infants with their first caregiver — typically a parent. His findings suggest that childhood is a …