Good Conflict Can Change Everything
In long-term relationships, conflict is inevitable. If two red-blooded individuals are dedicated to staying together and navigating issues as they occur, then conflict will at some point arise. The key is in recognizing that, at …
Helping Couples Heal
Conflict Is a Given If you’ve been in a romantic relationship for any length of time, then you know that some degree of conflict is a given. The issue isn’t whether or not there is …
Who’s On Stage?
Set the Stage At a moment’s notice, any given situation can elicit a variety of different reactions from within. Think for a moment about such a situation. You encounter an aggressive driver as you commute …
A Lot of Little Things (Small Gestures)
When it comes to successful relationships, studies show that grand, romantic gestures can be exciting, but what really holds a relationship together are small gestures of love and affection done frequently. According to a 2017 …
Mindfulness? What’s the Big Deal?
“Mindfulness.” It’s a fuzzy buzzword we’re hearing a lot these days, easy to mentally categorize along with “yoga,” “meditation,” and “vegan.” But wait. If you strip away the trendiness, mindfulness at its core is a …