After the Affair: What Comes Next?
If you and your partner are dealing with the fallout of an affair, there are some (relatively) predictable stages and paths you can anticipate. In Getting Past the Affair by Douglas Snyder, Donald Baucom, and …
Good Conflict Can Change Everything
In long-term relationships, conflict is inevitable. If two red-blooded individuals are dedicated to staying together and navigating issues as they occur, then conflict will at some point arise. The key is in recognizing that, at …
Helping Couples Heal
Conflict Is a Given If you’ve been in a romantic relationship for any length of time, then you know that some degree of conflict is a given. The issue isn’t whether or not there is …
Who’s On Stage?
Set the Stage At a moment’s notice, any given situation can elicit a variety of different reactions from within. Think for a moment about such a situation. You encounter an aggressive driver as you commute …
A Lot of Little Things (Small Gestures)
When it comes to successful relationships, studies show that grand, romantic gestures can be exciting, but what really holds a relationship together are small gestures of love and affection done frequently. According to a 2017 …
Mindfulness? What’s the Big Deal?
“Mindfulness.” It’s a fuzzy buzzword we’re hearing a lot these days, easy to mentally categorize along with “yoga,” “meditation,” and “vegan.” But wait. If you strip away the trendiness, mindfulness at its core is a …