Externalization: Name that feeling…Literally
What Would You Name Your Feeling? Usually, when we experience our emotions, we feel them internally. We think about how we are affected, how we could be the cause, the shame we feel inside, etc. …
Turning Shame into Accountability
How do you relate to yourself when your humanity is showing? Do you defend yourself fervently and rationalize your choices? Do you criticize yourself and call yourself mean names? Spoiler alert: these two responses tend …
Anxiety or OCD?
When you think of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), do you think of obsessional washing of hands, flicking the light switch 5 times, or refusing to step on sidewalk cracks? If you answered “yes”, you are …
Grief and Self-Compassion
Grief is one thing that all of us will face at some point in our lives. However, grief is also a feeling that we struggle to really understand or grapple with. In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross …
Valentine’s Revisited: Empower & Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day, historically, is a day where couples get all lovey-dovey and celebrate their relationship. That is the connotation we get due to all the heart shapes and couple’s menus at restaurants; however, what if …
Is it Time for Couples Counseling?
There are many reasons why beginning couples counseling would be in the best interest of your relationship; depending on where you and your partner are in your relationship, transitions you are adjusting to, or your …