Who’s On Stage?
Set the Stage At a moment’s notice, any given situation can elicit a variety of different reactions from within. Think for a moment about such a situation. You encounter an aggressive driver as you commute …
Considering Couples Counseling?
If you are reading this, you might be wondering if you need couples counseling. I’m not here to say you do or don’t – that’s for you to decide. But having been through couples counseling …
The Problem with Validation
I am aware that the title of this blog might stir up strong feelings in some people. I imagine two camps. One says, “heck yes, validation is a problem”, while the other says, “Everyone deserves …
Future Self | Present Tense
Where Do You See Yourself in 5 to 10 Years? Do you remember teachers and others asking you this age-old question? Funny that the older we get, that question is no longer asked. Somedays we’re …
Grief and Self-Compassion
Grief is one thing that all of us will face at some point in our lives. However, grief is also a feeling that we struggle to really understand or grapple with. In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross …
Reframing Anxiety
Anxiety is the kind of thing that can pop up when you least expect it. Some individuals recognize themselves as being anxious children growing up, worrying about their parents’ safety, fearful of not being accepted …