Beyond Manicures and Bubble Baths: Amp Up Your Self-Care Practice
In December of 2020, I was invited to speak to a group of women at a synagogue in San Francisco about a topic of my choice; one that would hopefully make a difference in the …
Premarital Counseling
Premarital counseling can be a valuable investment for couples who are planning to get married. A couples therapist trained in premarital counseling can help you through this process in the following ways: Build a Stronger …
Love Laboratory
Way back in the 1980s, mathematician and psychologist Dr. John Gottman persuaded the fine folk at the University of Washington to build a little apartment. A little place in the woods where couples could stay …
It has been almost four years since Covid forced us all into a strange normal of increasingly greater isolation. Since then, the world has shifted to a new more disconnected place, with companies pivoting to …
Who’s On Stage?
Set the Stage At a moment’s notice, any given situation can elicit a variety of different reactions from within. Think for a moment about such a situation. You encounter an aggressive driver as you commute …
Tips for Navigating Couple Conflict
Most couples come to therapy at their tipping points; when something has happened, when they are in crisis, and when they need help and tools to fix it! Until then, they may stumble through marrital …