Regaining Self-Compassion
As I’m counseling clients virtually during this pandemic, one of the common phrases I hear is, “Others have it much worse.” There’s a lot of discounted grief and pain. There’s a certain guilt or …
Staying Sane in the Midst of Chaos
We are in an ambiguous time. Our usual planning for the next several weeks or months in advance has been reduced to the latest Netflix show to watch, book to read, or game to …
Freeing Ourselves in 2020
How has the new year started out for you? Are you excited for the ‘clean slate’, or is it causing some anxiety? Let’s try something new this year. Instead of making more resolutions, adding …
The 3 R’s for a Happy New Year
The inspiration for this blog comes from a food magazine. I read cookbooks and food magazines like they are novels (please don’t judge). Truthfully, I find the topic of food fascinating but that has nothing …