It has been almost four years since Covid forced us all into a strange normal of increasingly greater isolation. Since then, the world has shifted to a new more disconnected place, with companies pivoting to …
Becoming Mother
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms and dads (who double as moms). As a fellow mom myself, I can attest to how difficult the parenting experience can be. We take for granted the enormous …
Attachment, Relationships, Turtles, & Octopuses
In my first sessions I usually attempt to gauge how both persons interact with one another in a predictable dynamic. We all have unique experiences in life, combined with our genetic coding, to form how …
Is Efficiency Healthy?
I have recently asked myself: “Have we as humans expedited everything so much that it’s maladaptive?” Can we do things so quickly that they lose meaning or value? Are we so overstimulated with our lifestyles …
Disciplining Children and…Inuits?
So discipline is a word that gets thrown around quite frequently. And just hearing the term can elicit a variety of responses. Most people will agree that it is a positive and necessary part of …
You Think What You Eat
What is a microbiome and what does it have to do with me? I thought you’d never ask. One of the most exciting and talked about discoveries right now in healthcare is the microbiome. Scientists …