Anger 101
We have all had times when we have acted out of anger and regretted it later. When our anger is triggered, it can be very difficult to see anything else. Our physical bodies may feel …
Why write about contrition? This blog comes from my research on understanding how contrition is used in secular and religious contexts. I often hear the word contrition when working with couples, but it seems to …
Feed What Grows
Happy New Year! Can you believe we have started 2024?!? Instead of having New Year’s resolutions, I wonder if you might explore this question instead: What are you going to feed this year? This month, …
Take a Time-Out
How pausing a fight (time-out) can help improve your overall conflict Sometimes how we fight with our partner can cause more hurt and damage to our relationship than what we are fighting about. Then that …
‘Should’ is Not Your Friend
I’d like to start with a little levity that I sometimes share with clients when they’re being too hard on themselves: “Don’t ‘should’ on yourself.” If you can pardon the tacky humor, read on. I …
Strengthening Your Relationship: The Power of Couples Therapy
Building and maintaining a healthy, fulfilling relationship takes effort, understanding, and effective communication. However, even the most loving couples face challenges and roadblocks that can strain their bond. During these trying times, couples therapy can …