Turning Shame into Accountability
How do you relate to yourself when your humanity is showing? Do you defend yourself fervently and rationalize your choices? Do you criticize yourself and call yourself mean names? Spoiler alert: these two responses tend …
Am I Emotionally Immature?
Am I emotionally immature? And no, I do not mean elementary school slapstick-humor immaturity. What is emotional immaturity? I mean, am I showing up in my relationships lacking the maturity to properly handle my own …
‘Should’ is Not Your Friend
I’d like to start with a little levity that I sometimes share with clients when they’re being too hard on themselves: “Don’t ‘should’ on yourself.” If you can pardon the tacky humor, read on. I …
Who’s On Stage?
Set the Stage At a moment’s notice, any given situation can elicit a variety of different reactions from within. Think for a moment about such a situation. You encounter an aggressive driver as you commute …
Finding Joy in the Darkness
Joyful moments are sprinkled all throughout our life. Yet in day-to-day circumstances, and in the midst of adjusting to a world of new normals, finding joy in the darkness can sometimes feel elusive. Often, things …
The Problem with Validation
I am aware that the title of this blog might stir up strong feelings in some people. I imagine two camps. One says, “heck yes, validation is a problem”, while the other says, “Everyone deserves …