The Power of Decision-Making
I recently had to make a hard decision. Though I knew I had to make the decision, I still didn’t want to. It was quite difficult for me because, often, I am not brave. I …
From Distress to Discovery
How often do you let yourself really imagine your dream life? Outside of sandy beaches and a tropical smoothie with a little umbrella, do you really allow yourself to imagine in detail what your life …
A Lot of Little Things (Small Gestures)
When it comes to successful relationships, studies show that grand, romantic gestures can be exciting, but what really holds a relationship together are small gestures of love and affection done frequently. According to a 2017 …
The Rewards of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a booming business these days. The evidence is everywhere — an abundance of books, magazines, websites, smartphone apps, classes, and training programs, all intended to turn us on to the many benefits of …
Conflict Avoidance: Is Your Rug Touching the Ceiling?
All couples argue. Not having arguments is unrealistic, but a desire for conflict avoidance is very typical. We’re going to have bad days, be tired, irritable, stressed out, and so will our partner. Whenever there …
Valentine’s Revisited: Empower & Love Yourself
Valentine’s Day, historically, is a day where couples get all lovey-dovey and celebrate their relationship. That is the connotation we get due to all the heart shapes and couple’s menus at restaurants; however, what if …