Inside The World Of Infertility (Part II)
Like death or any hard topic, it may be difficult to talk with someone who is going through a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infertility. We tend to go blank when we can’t ‘fix’ a problem. Here …
Inside The World Of Infertility (Part I)
April 21st begins Infertility Awareness Week. For some of us, 1 in 8 to be exact, this reminder is more than a week long. It’s a daily, monthly, yearly, and lifetime struggle of awareness that …
Connection and Depression, Part 1
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and hormone that is involved in the functioning of multiple organ systems in the body. Commonly, it is known as the happy chemical. There is a strong correlation between low levels …
March Awareness Month
If you google March Awareness Month/Week, you will discover a plethora of things to be aware of! It’s Red Cross Month, Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and Brain Injury Awareness Month to name a …
Fighting Fairly
If you are a sibling, have had a good friend, or ever been in junior high, you know all about insults. You know when someone insults you, you insult them right back. And not just …
Overcoming Codependency
Relationships are like a dance, with visible energy racing back and forth between the partners. Some relationships are the slow, dark dance of death. – Colette Dowling It is natural to want to protect our …