Can I survive the holidays? (and please everyone)
Getting through the holidays can be notorious for being stressful for a variety of reasons. Pressures to host, to get gifts, and see friends and family. As a host, there are so many details and …
Trauma and the Media
Often times when we think of trauma, we think of horrific events that happen to a person or to a group of people. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administrations (SAMHSA) define trauma as “an event, series …
Holiday Grief
The holidays are fast approaching. Turkey, family, trees and tinsel. “Children laughing, people clapping, meeting smile after smile…” That is, everyone who isn’t grieving, of course. The holidays are the hardest for those mourning the …
Infidelity – Clouded By Myth
According to couples therapists, infidelity is the second most difficult relationship problem, surpassed only by domestic violence. Most of the time, the other partner gets blindsided in the knowledge about their partner’s affair. Affairs do …
What are your habits? Part 2, Complaining vs Caring
Has someone ever asked you “how is it going” and your response was “I have no complaints”? More than likely you have either said it or heard someone say it. Sometimes my follow is “even …
Coping with Grief and Loss
When you hear the word ‘grief’, what word or image comes to mind? Maybe death and tears? Or a funeral and a black suit/dress? While these images may pertain to the death of a loved …