Client Share: Struggling with Suicidal Ideation
In this series called ‘Client Share’, we make room for our clients who want to use their experiences with relationships, mental health, and their therapy journey to help others who might benefit from this client’s …
Why Do I Get Upset?
Being Upset Is A Reaction When we are upset, it’s because something emotional has occurred that has significant meaning to us personally. When we react out of that emotional trigger, often there is an unconscious …
The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Relationships
The Negative Impact of Childhood Trauma Childhood trauma can have a profound negative impact on romantic relationships in adulthood. Traumatic experiences, such as abuse, neglect, or loss, can shape an individual’s attachment style, emotional regulation, …
Mind and Gut Connection
Recently I have been on a journey to investigate the relationship between our gut and our mental health. Although I am still in the beginning phase of my research for mind and gut connection, I …
Defining An Affair
Most people know what affairs are; however, the details of defining an affair are a little more challenging to understand. Personal Definitions of an Affair When clients walk into my office and announce that they …
Thriving with ADHD: Practical Tips for Daily Management
Living with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges in daily life. Living with ADHD myself, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to understand and navigate the daily challenges of ADHD. With …