Personal values (i.e. love and honor) not only help us to navigate the world, but they also help us to relate to people around us, especially in our interpersonal relationships. Have you recently taken the time to evaluate what your personal values are? What values are essential to you and support a healthy life? Moreover, have you recently taken the time to consider what values are negotiable to you when in a relationship versus the values that are non-negotiable? I enjoy helping clients process their personal and interpersonal experiences in order to understand themselves more deeply and really get a sense of what their personal values are, both presently and moving forward in their lives. I believe that through collaboration and exploration of personal identity and values, I can help clients add meaning to their life in order to have quality, enriching relationships. Through self-exploration, I believe that clients can increase their overall confidence. With knowledge of communication skills, increased confidence, and a true sense of self-discovery, clients will have a good foundation of who they are in order to have flourishing relationships. Take the time to reflect on the following questions:
- What do I truly value in life?
- What do I value most right now?
- Do I see any patterns in my life?
- Are there any conflicts among the patterns in my life and my values, especially in my relationships?