Preparing for Marriage
Getting married is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in life. Your decision today will impact your future, because not only are you considering your life but the life of someone you care …
Dealing with life transitions can be tough and stressful. The longer you have stayed at a job, the harder it is to leave. The longer you have stayed at a residence, the harder it is to move. The longer you have stayed in an unhealthy relationship, the harder it is to leave what you know and what is ‘comfort.’ Making any change is stressful. But let’s take a moment here and reflect back on the major events that have occurred in your life (i.e. leaving for college, getting married, buying your first house). These moments serve a special place in your heart and built lasting memories. Literature has indicated that making a major life transition creates a distinctive marking point in a person’s memory that organizes the way they reflect back on their life. The story of a person’s life is filled with these distinctive marking points and are included in the stories you tell close friends and family. At a family gathering, you share distinctive anecdotes like “I remember leaving college to take my first job. I remember when I made the decision to leave home. I remember when I decided to leave a toxic work environment. ”The memories we have of our life transitions will always remain dear to our heart. Therefore, if you are at a point in your life where you are feeling uncertain and going through transition, always remember: 1) Memories are to be made; 2) Stress is normal; 3) Change is natural; 4) You have had the tools to navigate through prior transitions; 5) Turn to your support system; 6) Think, plan, and execute; 7) Use this time to reflect, and 8) Be positive.