Walking A New Path
I lived in Illinois my entire life before moving to Texas, and know it from top to bottom. It is a familiar and comfortable place for me and it was hard to leave. The move …
Is It Your Gut or Your Guilt?
Should I follow my heart or my gut? My heart is telling me to do one thing and my gut is telling me another. Have you ever found yourself in a position like this… trying …
What are your habits? Part 2, Complaining vs Caring
Has someone ever asked you “how is it going” and your response was “I have no complaints”? More than likely you have either said it or heard someone say it. Sometimes my follow is “even …
Fully Equipped
Recently my tire light popped up on my dashboard. I had air placed in the tire. I think my anxiety level dropped just as quickly as the warning light went off when air was placed …
Life’s Curveballs
No matter how much we plan, life can throw us curveballs. Whether planned or unplanned, life’s curveballs catapult us into a different life transition and dealing with them can be challenging. Transitions can include but …
What are you habits? Part 1, Supporting vs Criticizing
What comes to mind when you think of the word “habit”? Running? Reading? Whistling? Clinking your spoon on a coffee cup? (thank you I Love Lucy for those two examples). There are many habits we …