How can you be intentional during such a hard time?  Each day take time to touch base with your:

Mind – Finding and learn something new and maybe even challenge your point of view.

Body – Stretch, move, and exercise.  Devote your physical energy to something positive.

Heart – Be thankful for the positivity and love in your life.

Soul – Find a few moments in each day to slow down and savor moments of peace.

Additionally, here are some other on being intentional:

1)     Be intentional about connecting with loved ones, including friends and family.

2)     Be intentional about protecting your and others’ health by washing your hands, staying home if you’re sick, and practicing social distancing

3)     Be intentional about practicing self-care – getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising, and engaging in stress-free activities (i.e. DIY projects, painting, puzzles, reading)

4)     Be intentional about your mindset.  Focus on what you CAN control instead of what you cannot control.

If you feel overwhelmed or stressed about what is going in the world, please contact me and I would love to help support through this time through virtual therapy.