New Year, New Us: Relationship Resolutions
For many, the beginning of a new year is seen as an opportunity to take stock, to evaluate what is working and what needs improvement. Salads are made, gyms are joined, rooms are cleaned, closets …
I have recently been giving a lot of thought to what it means to be a caretaker, having been one myself at one point in life. Many people would reach out to me asking how my loved one was doing, and after a few months, I realized no one ever asked me about myself. This got me thinking about different signs caretakers might need taking care of themselves as well. We are constantly worrying about ourselves and our health. While this means taking care of our body psychically and mentally, we live in a world of fear. We mainly give our attention to those who need it, and sometimes that also comes with a price for those doing the work to keep them well. If you were to google “caretaker,” something like taking care of a “sick” individual as either a job or a role you were assigned to by chance will most likely come up. The missing open-ended questions are:
These are a few examples of different questions and concerns that come with being a caretaker. Our attention is fixed only to those going through a temporary or terminal disease but rarely to those around us. Becoming someone’s caretaker can consume a person to lose one’s identity. I’ll discuss some ways a person may begin to feel a loss of identity with the attachment of being a caretaker and how one can jump over these obstacles without falling through.
Yes, being a caretaker can mean putting one’s life aside to assist one that may need it more now. Still, it is easy to forget that if we are not okay ourselves, we will most likely not be the best caretaker either.
After thinking about what it means to be a caretaker, I ended up with the complex meaning behind it and how much we don’t discuss it. A caretaker is a very, if not one of the most, critical roles in a person’s life and essential for their recovery and their individual needs. The next time I encounter a caretaker, I will view them differently. I will recognize the strength in being there for someone when they can’t be there for themselves, a hand when falling, and the friend we never knew we needed. Next time I see a caretaker, I will ask about them and their feelings and needs because any caretaker needs to be taken care of as well.
If you or anyone you know is a caretaker or are looking for someone to talk to, schedule an appointment today so we can discuss how to better take care of yourself or any loved one around you.