New Year, New Us: Relationship Resolutions
For many, the beginning of a new year is seen as an opportunity to take stock, to evaluate what is working and what needs improvement. Salads are made, gyms are joined, rooms are cleaned, closets …
Our job as parents is to love and nurture our child(ren). This love can manifest itself in so many ways. One of the most important ways to love your child is by taking care of you! Are you making sure your child is eating healthy while you’re surviving on whatever is available or convenient, neglecting the proper nutrition? What about taking time out to exercise or to meditate? How are you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually taking care of yourself while caring for your child(ren)?It is a juggling act to attend to child, work, partner, house responsibilities, and then yourself! While the balance is challenging, it is vital that your child sees you caring for yourself and nurturing your relationship with your partner. Here are some ways to take yourself off of the back burner and create an equal space for yourself beside your family rather than behind it:(1) Choose to eat healthy today. Take as much care in your food prep as you do with your child’s.(2) Go for that walk in the sunshine, take a yoga or dance class, bike ride or hike.(3) Schedule a date lunch or dinner with your partner to reconnect.(4) If you need more support than you’re currently getting, seek a therapist who can help you prioritize and/or find a balance to creating that space for you in the midst of all of your responsibilities. You are valuable and worth the time and energy to become a better and healthier you!