Infidelity – Clouded By Myth
According to couples therapists, infidelity is the second most difficult relationship problem, surpassed only by domestic violence. Most of the time, the other partner gets blindsided in the knowledge about their partner’s affair. Affairs do …
What are your habits? Part 2, Complaining vs Caring
Has someone ever asked you “how is it going” and your response was “I have no complaints”? More than likely you have either said it or heard someone say it. Sometimes my follow is “even …
What are you habits? Part 1, Supporting vs Criticizing
What comes to mind when you think of the word “habit”? Running? Reading? Whistling? Clinking your spoon on a coffee cup? (thank you I Love Lucy for those two examples). There are many habits we …
Meet Me on The 7th Floor: Getting Some Understanding Through Changing Your Perspective
Have you ever wondered what it is like for someone on the 5th floor of a building versus someone on the 9th floor? Can you see more, can you see less, can you see what I see? …
Constantly Arguing?
Resolving conflict in any relationship can be complicated and overwhelming, but the truth is all couples argue. But, I am here to tell you it’s not a lack of arguing that makes a successful relationship. It is …
What are you saying? – Conversation Not Confrontation
Do these questions sound familiar: “what are you trying to say?”, “what are you talking about?”, and “can you help me understand”? Or how about responses such as “I told you what it is”, “I …